‘This insightful documentary follows West Midlands police’s Dangerous Dogs Unit as it struggles to stem the tide, seizing dangerous dogs and destroying them.’

- The Observer

‘This shocking documentary meets the police teams trying to stem the rise of the dangerous dog as weapon and status symbol.’

- Daily Mail

‘..it’s a sobering insight into the ignorance surrounding potentially aggressive breeds’

- Time Out

Death Row Dogs

1 x 50’

UK Premiere 10.35pm 24th January 2012 on BBC One

American Pit Bull Terriers have been bred as fighting dogs since the 19th century.  Following a spate of horrific attacks on humans they were banned in Britain in 1991 but their numbers have continued to rise as their popularity as a status symbol grows.

Some attacks have proved fatal, among them 4 year old John Paul Massey’s. As the dangerous dog laws face increasing criticism, Death Row Dogs gains unprecedented access into the work of a police dangerous dog unit trying to stem this growing menace, and to the grieving family of John Paul Massey.

Executive Producer: Paul Hamann

Filmed, produced & directed by: Jon Alwen

Producer: Josie Besbrode

Editor: Paul Dosaj

Director of Photography: Steve Organ

Composer: Andy Cowton

Narrator: Steven Mackintosh


Distributed by: DCD Rights


All Productions